Group Photo

Gay and Lesbian Youth in Calderdale ceased operating in November 2011. For information about their achievements click here.

The Brunswick Centre now runs LGBTQ youth groups across Calderdale and Kirklees.

Because of the value of this website in supporting LGBTQ young people, their families and professionals, the GALYIC Board of Trustees agreed that Jan Bridget could take it over in order to keep it live and up-to-date. At this point the website became known as Gay and Lesbian Youth Information Centre.

There are three main sections to this website: Support, News, and Training.

Support has in-depth information on Bullying;Coming Out; Health (in particular mental health and substance misuse); and Housing.

There is also a section for Parents who have LGBT children and another for Professionals such as mental health, teaching, youth, social services, housing, substance misuse; in fact, any agency that comes into contact with young people.

For those who want to keep up-to-date with the latest research, or want inspiration from other projects and other relevant information in connection with LGBT young people, keeping an eye on the News section is a must. This is regularly up-dated.

The Training section provides free, on-line training packages, as well as information about current training programmes available. Click Homophobia Awareness Training to access my Facebook page.

The free 'Challenging Homophobia' training is now on You Tube.

Most sections have links to other projects and further information.